Sunday, September 10, 2006

Naaaa naa-naa na-na-na-naaaa

Beautiful day today (as opposed to the miserable rainy one we had yesterday) so I went for a walk along the seawall. I usually go for a walk just about every other day, but haven't done so in nearly 3-4 weeks since I screwed up my back. I'm feeling the effects of it now, but it was definitely worth it. Was listening to my iPod and 'Hey Jude' came on by The Beatles. Just about the perfect song to listen to when the sun is shining and the wind is blowing in from the sea.
Above is a design I recently started in Illustrator. I hope to add more elements and textures and maybe play around with the colors more in Photoshop, but I'm happy with the way it's starting out. I've always loved The Beatles - as a kid I always had some form of Beatles poster pinned to my wall. They're kind of my aural equivalent of comfort food. I always feel better when I'm listening to them.

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