Monday, October 30, 2006

And on a lighter note...

My Halloween activities continued last night with a trip to a haunted village with my sister and nephew Jack (dressed up as a little crocodude). Had a great time trick-or-treating with him, riding the carousel and making him roar at strangers. He was a pretty brave little guy considering all of the scary noises, dry ice, and costumes (like witches on stilts) surrounding him. At his age, I probably would have wet myself. Mind you we didn't really celebrate Halloween in England when I was a kid. Instead we had Guy Fawkes Night where we watched fireworks and burnt effigies on huge bonfires. Much more wholesome.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Ah yes, Guy Fawkes night. I lived with some British folks here in the US for a time. They carried on the tradition here. It was...interesting.