Monday, November 13, 2006

Office life

Last Friday I went to my Mum's long overdue retirement party. It's hard to believe that she worked at the same accountant's firm for 25 years! It seems that the days of working for the same company for such a long period of time are becoming a thing of the past. Career changes occur much more frequently nowadays and most companies just don't seem to last as long as they used to. But all in all it was a very nice night - it was obvious that everyone genuinely enjoyed having her around and that they were sorry to see her go. Of course there was the standard cringeworthy Powerpoint presentation along with the usual free alcohol abuse and helium sucking sing-a-longs. But I am glad that I went.
It also got me thinking about office environments and the people you spend your working life with. It's incredible sometimes how such a odd, disconnected bunch of strangers can co-exist when they need to. That's the appeal, I think, of shows like The Office (yes, both the British AND the American versions).
I suppose that I'm pretty lucky to be working with a very nice bunch of odd, disconnected strangers. In fact many of the strangers have become friends. After a couple of days off, I look forward to seeing the people I work with; catching up on their lives, recycling the same old stupid jokes, gossiping, flirting, and bitching about silly things. Enjoying what you do is one thing, but it's the people that you work with who keep you going. My sister described a recent bad spell in her work environment as a little like Lord of the Flies. Yes, I have days like that sometimes, but it's not THAT bad. I haven't found a pig's head on a stick in my cubicle lately.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's great! I too work in an office with a bunch of, well, strange strangers. Some have become friends, others remain work friends, and others simply people i work with. But I agree that it's the people who make the environment a place that you want to be.