Monday, January 15, 2007

Nice to have you back Jack

(Jack contemplates a hairy situation)

Watched the 2-hour premiere of 24 Season 6 last night. Gave me a warm fuzzy feeling to see Jack Bauer back doing what he does best; talking on cellphones with his eyes darting around nervously; sneaking around the outsides of buildings holding a gun with two hands; interrogating terrorists with his face two inches from theirs. Already I've chewed the hell out of a couple of my fingernails. And, I think, I've developed a small crush on Chloe.

But now, a few observations:

Did he really shave off that beard in 'real time'?

For a guy kept in a Chinese prison for two years, Jack sure looked like he still had the opportunity to eat well and workout regularly

When will the bad guys learn that if you're going to torture and kill the good guy, what's the point in telling him about your secret plans beforehand? Don't these guys watch James Bond movies?

Did I really just see Jack Bauer bite a man to death? Or is Kiefer just having a Lost Boys flash-back?

Next time I want to get away with riding the Skytrain without a ticket, I'll just tell the attendant that I'm a federal agent.

What's the hell's a nice girl like Chloe doing with a creep like THAT?


Becky said...

oh simon. oh MY! this is a good one, and i asked all those questions...almost to the exact word. Check out my Haiku Challenge that I posted Monday...all JACK, baby!

And the creep that Chloe is with --dude, scary indeed. SCARY! Personally i like Chloe's hair color from last season better.
And the question I had about Jack's hygenic transformation, "Did he cut his hair himself? With a razor, scissors, or was there a hair buzzer? Perhaps he had a flobie there?"

Simon said...

Personally, I think that Jack should have taken the opportunity to try something different with his hair. Maybe something blond and spiky like he did in Lost Boys.