Couldn't have asked for a better day off today. Read some more of Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell at Starbucks this morning (page 553!) then went for a long overdue walk along the Stanley Park seawall to play with my new digital camera (see above). It turned out to be a beautiful sunny day, so walked as far as Siwash Rock taking pictures of anything I could find. The poor old park is still showing the effects of the storms over the last month or so - lots of seaweed, fallen branks and chunks of the Seawall scattered over the path.
Christmas at Mum and Dad's was great too. Pretty stress free - I managed to get all of my gifts bought and wrapped nearly a week before. We also skipped the stocking stuffer gifts and donated to various charities instead. Lots of nice gifts - fancy smelly stuff from Yves St. Laurent, jPod by Douglas Coupland, slippers, plus a miniature painting by my Dad. Lots of fun having my nephew Jack around too. Caught the skytrain back late afternoon and fought my way down Robson Street where the Boxing Day sales were in full swing. Centipedes of fuzzy-hooded girls with shopping bags outside every store.
In any case, today was the perfect break between the Christmas holidays and going back to work tomorrow (ugh). I'm vegging out with a DVD tonight; The Descent, which looks good and nasty and icky. Not very Christmasy, but it looks like a good distraction.