Monday, February 26, 2007

What popped up on my iPod this week

The great thing about iPods is that songs that you haven't really listened to in years suddenly pop up and become favorites all over again.

Evidence - Faith No More

My first newly rediscovered favorite song is Evidence by Faith No More (from the King for a Day, Fool for a Lifetime album). This is a very film-noir-ish track with some great jazzy guitar and piano and some killer R&B type vocals from Mike Patton. A really beautiful song considering it's about (I think) a murderer being pursued by cops.

Like most Faith No More albums, the songs go all over the place - one moment you're listening to death metal, the next minute you're listening to a gospel choir. It's like listening to an iPod on shuffle.

I'm still undecided as to whether or not I want to see Patton's upcoming Peeping Tom show at the Commodore. The songs just won't be the same without the guest vocalists, but then again, it would be pretty cool to hear Mike Patton sing.

Tusk - Fleetwood Mac

Tusk by Fleetwood Mac (from the album Tusk) also suddenly became one of my favorite songs this week.

It's probably not cool to admit that you like a Fleetwood Mac song, but this is a Fleetwood Mac song that doesn't really sound like any other Fleetwood Mac song. There's strange crowd noises, menacing drums and an insanely catchy marching band riff - all building up to repeated chants of 'Tusk' at the end.

With lyrics like 'Why don't you tell me whats going on?/ Why won't you tell me who's on the phone?' it all lends itself to a fidgety feeling of rising paranoia. Must be all the cocaine they were doing at the time.

And why is it called Tusk?*

*(Update - Just found out that tusk is a slang term for 'penis'. What a tuskhead I am.)

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