Monday, February 26, 2007

And the Oscar goes to zzzzzz.......

Much as I love movies, I can barely force myself to sit through the Oscars. I usually end up watching it towards the end of the evening in 10 minute chunks while I'm doing something else. It was nice to see Martin Scorsese finally win an Oscar though, even if it was for The Departed. The little dude looked so happy to be finally up there! The Departed was a great entertaining movie, but it was hardly one of Scorsese's best (and a remake). Why not Taxi Driver, Raging Bull or Goodfellas? Or even the underatted Bringing Out the Dead? And what was with Jack Nicholson - is Britney cutting his hair now?

To be honest, how seriously can you take the Oscars anyway? Nicolas Cage is an Academy Award winner, and now he's playing a flaming skeleton riding a motorbike (although I'll probably watch that one when it comes out on DVD).

1 comment:

Becky said...

i've never watched award shows before. but since i just got a new road bike and a trainer, i actually cycled in front of the tube for a while. my favorite part was the interpretive dance.